Hire From the Top 20% of Sales People 
In half the Time Guaranteed

We guarantee results, we’ll only hire the top 20% of people, easier and quicker than anyone else!

Companies We've Worked With

How Can We Help You?

Dr. Phil Greer
Founder I Subcon 7

Dr. Greer - author, entrepreneur and business consultant, claims that the number one problem faced by companies today is finding good people.

However, the reality is that employers face endless frustration in terms of wasting time and money by employing people who don’t work out.

Phil developed Subcon 7 - whose mission is the recruitment of high performing people, who ultimately become assets for businesses as opposed to liabilities.

Denis deployed the advanced recruitment system that saved Metlife Insurance $ US 600-million annually on their recruitment, training and development costs, in his own financial services business.

The recruitment failure rate in his business dropped from 70 % to 25 % and the business grew exponentially as a result. People were hired in half the time.

The basic principles of this same smart-recruitment system are utilised in Subcon 7.

Denis Preston
Senior Consultant I Subcon 7

Julie Bowden
Consultant I Subcon 7

Julie is a true entrepreneur with a stellar, international corporate background in training, sales & marketing, and business development.

When she saw how Denis’s business grew to 200 salespeople by deploying his smart-recruiting system she became a believer.

She now works as a consultant within Subcon 7, administering the key aspects of the business with her distinctive attention to detail.

What Businesses Are Saying About Subcon7

I've known Phil now for 3 years and he's easily one of the most enthusiastic people I've worked with - constantly looking for opportunities where everyone benefits. He has been key in supporting our growth over the last 3 years.

Ian Ryder

Founder/International School Adviser

Phil Greer LOVES what he does. If ever you meet Phil one-on-one you’ll discover that he is just a great out-going, outstanding human being.

Paul Dunn

Founder of numerous businesses with global reach, Most Influential in Profession (ICAUK), International speaker – including at TEDx (3 times)

The staff that I have now want to work, they want to have challenges, and they push themselves. I can give them hard, complex matters and they love it. They’re a high intellect group of people, their productivity is fantastic. Knowing that they can do the work to a really high level is really comforting.

Catherine McMurtrie

Founder / EPAS Accounting

Martin Seligman-orientated signature scoring system that has significant advantages over DISC and Myers-Briggs.

Matt Joy

Founder & CEO / Envigour Pty Ltd.

His passion and relentless drive have been a great source of motivation and encouragement.

Wayne Larsen

National Operations Manager / ALSPEC

Rational thinking and effective action are both delivered in a charming manner - these are the principal characteristics of Dr. Phil!

Michael Gordon

Owner & Chairman at Pareto Pty Ltd.

In all my networking over the last several years Phil is one of the most proactive and consistent people in offering value to others. He is one of the few who does follow through and I am confident his word is well backed by action. When skill comes with passion and integrity, it is a compelling and trustworthy offering.

Liz Blake

Lateral Insights / Founder of a multi-million-dollar international sales organization, business advisor, speaker

Dr. Philip Greer is a very talented and highly educated professional. Philip will always strive for supremacy and has the ability to achieve amazing results. Extremely highly recommended.

Lucas Vogan

Sales Manager / Geberit UK

Probably, the most dangerous decision is hiring the wrong person. The system saves so much time and energy when it comes to hiring, and ultimately so much money. It gave me confidence. This is a ground-breaking profiling tool. My clients love this. It gets to the core question which is, ‘Should I hire this person or not?’.

Andrew Roberts

Business Coach

Dr. Phil Greer is one such engineer, whose “track record” over many years speaks for itself and is positive proof that his system works...

Professor Alan R Woodside(OBE MPhil, CEng, FICE, FIAT, MCIHT)

Emeritus Professor of Highway Engineering / University Of Ulster

The best recruiting tool on the planet.

David Dugan

Founder / Abundance Global

A master networker, great heart, ethical, a problem-solver, who always wants to help and add value. Has access to multiple experts in many fields who are able to help with big-business problems.

Paul Harvey

Solutions Architect / IT Manager

Get the best hire for your business
or we’ll recruit again for free


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